We are an Easter people!
Pope John Paul put it right when he said “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!†It is one of his most famous quotes.
Now as we approach Easter these words take on a special meaning of who and what we are. A Discover Church Stewardship Program will help your Church reach out and bring others into a loving relationship with our Lord.
The hymn “O the bitter shame and sorrow†was a hymn sung at an Easter Dawn Service that brought me to our Lord at a young people’s retreat  …  the words are…
Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow,
 That a time could ever be,
When I let the Saviour’s pity
Plead in vain, and proudly answered,
 All of self, and none of Thee,
 All of self and none of Thee.
Yet He found me; I beheld Him
 Bleeding on the cursed tree;
Heard Him pray, Forgive them, Father,
And my wistful heart said faintly,
 Some of self, and some of Thee,
 Some of self, and some of Thee.
Day by day His tender mercy,
 Healing, helping, full and free,
Sweet and strong, and ah! so patient,
Brought me lower while I whispered,
 Less of self, and more of Thee,
 Less of self, and more of Thee.
Higher than the highest heavens,
 Deeper than the deepest sea,
Lord, Thy love at last hath conquered;
Grant me now my heart’s petition,
 None of self, and all of Thee,
 None of self, and all of Thee.