Together we can - Reach out to our parish family

Together We Can - is a new stewardship renewal ideas hub for sharing the good things parishes are doing or planning to do in their communities.

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you can join in, contribute and receive regular posts from other parishes.
Here’s an example of a good idea from a parish in the US.

“What we discerned through our communal team prayer was to connect with each family registered in our parish—all 2,500 of them! Our paid staff and a number of our faithful volunteers committed to call all our parishioners. We prayed with them over the phone; listened to their stories, thoughts, feelings, and desires; and invited them to get connected to online small-groups via Zoom. As a result many of our people returned to the sacraments”

Together We Can - is also about how we can help. A free personalized stewardship plan specifically tailored for your parish is available. Call me on 0414 507 894 to obtain your copy.