How to kick off a stewardship renewal program

The stewardship renewal kickoff is considered a formative first step where the parish takes into consideration a parish vision and organises the practical aspects for how the stewardship renewal will work.

The purpose of the kickoff meeting is to start planning for the stewardship renewal.

Checklist for the stewardship renewal kickoff meeting

  1. Before the stewardship renewal kickoff meeting identify the need - People give of themselves because they find it important to help and especially do so when it comes to giving to the church. It is vital that before the stewardship renewal kickoff, that you have first identified the need. This helps to give people a reason for their  involvement. Without a clearly defined need people will be unsure about what is being asked of them.
  2. Before the stewardship renewal kickoff meeting prepare a program planner - At the stewardship renewal kickoff meeting you should have an idea about how you are going to make the stewardship renewal happen. Start with a strategy that can be used to help with meeting the need and that gets people involved. This is where we can help with a personalised stewardship planner that you can share with your team.
  3. Before the stewardship renewal kickoff organise  a primary point of contact - This will be a person who will register responses to RSVPs for program events, for example the RSVP for a stewardship renewal celebration.
  4. Before the stewardship renewal kickoff identify a person to act as the program lead - This will be a person who is responsible to give overall leadership of the program, their role will be to share how the stewardship renewal is progressing with the parish, to get involved and ask others to help.
  5. At the stewardship renewal kickoff meeting discuss and confirm the plan - When planning be prepared to be flexible because it is about listening to and involving people. The program has a greater chance of success if everyone is onboard so listen and be prepared to adjust plans accordingly.
  6. Schedule the stewardship renewal planning meeting - Make the meeting and time easy for people to attend.
  7. Invite the parish leadership team - Personally invite and ask everyone that will make the stewardship renewal planning successful to be involved.

The next step after the kickoff meeting is the preparation meeting when more people are invited to become involved. It is important that as a result of the stewardship renewal kickoff that the need is translated into something people can relate to with a plan.

🧐  PERSONALLY ASK PEOPLE TO BE INVOLVED - It is important that people are personally invited to join the program.

Next steps

Use the chat to organise a free personalised stewardship renewal planner for your parish.

Use the workshop to organise the team at discover church stewardship to join your parish team online to help with organising a stewardship renewal.

Need something more? organise an online chat and let's see if we can help.